Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Startups: What MBA Grads Are Missing

A great post today can be found over at - post is titled: Startups: 10 Things MBA Schools Won’t Teach You. Not only is the post full of great information - the comments are even better.

Here is a summary of the 10 Things MBA’s Won’t Teach You:

Strategic planning won’t take place of managing your bank statement and cash flow.
There are always more things to do. Start deciding “what not to do”.
Sleep - entrepreneurs work in their sleep.
People are Resources, not the other way around.
Learn to read your market, and put down the book on efficient pricing theories.
Understand all of your costs.
Spend more time on lead generation and sales conversion than on product matrices.
Build a visionary and passionate work culture.
People buy and do business with people they like. Be likeable.
People and markets are not always rational.

Additional reading about start-ups and small business trends:
Five Myths about Financing Start-Ups that Hurt Entrepreneurs

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