Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Persiapan menjadi Seorang Wirausahawan/ti

Orang terkadang melihat yang berwirausaha itu nggak ada apa-apanya, padahal yang berwirausaha banyak manfaat..yasng terkandung didalamnya..apalagi dikampung seperti saya dari Rancaekek...tetangga melihat sebelah mata yang jadi pedagang daripada kerja ...mendingan di pabrik aja...ya itulah pemikiran orang-orang awam..padahal..yang berwirausaha..dapat berpenghasilan lebih dari orang yang kerja iya kan ?

Menjadi usahawan bagi sebagian orang dan ini tidak sedikit jumlahnya, adalah hal yang sangat menakutkan. Banyak yang berfikir bahwa menjadi pedagang atau wirausahawan sangat beresiko tinggi (kerugian, bangkrut dan sebagainya), sedangkan menjadi seorang pekerja sangat kecil resiko yang akan dihadapi.
Tetapi kalau kita berfikir jernih sesungguhnya menjadi pegawai juga beresiko tinggi, seperti: PHK, Pemotongan gaji, pensiun, minimnya gaji yang diperoleh, dsb.
Artinya dalam hal ini apapun pekerjaan yang kita pilih semuanya mengandung resiko yang tidak kecil. Menjadi wirausahawan jelas beresiko tinggi tetapi hal itu seimbang dengan yang akan diperoleh dari hasil berwirausaha yang mungkin jika berhasil dan sukses akan memperoleh pendapatan dan penghasilan yang sangat menggiurkan.
Untuk itu maka beberapa langkah mesti anda siapkan menjadi seorang wirausahawan:

Mempersiapkan mental:
menjadi usahawan mesti memiliki mental berwirausaha yang sangat kuat, jangan berfikir tentang berapa keuntungan yang akan diperoleh lebih dulu, tetapi berfikirlah segala resiko yang akan kita hadapi. Siap menang siap kalah, siap untung mesti juga harus siap rugi. Fair kan? Dalam berwirausaha juga memerlukan ketabahan yang sangat kuat, dalam beberapa kasus tidak semua wirausahawan mengalami kesuksesan, banyak pula yang mengalami kegagalan! sebagian menjadi orang berfikir bahwa menjadi wirausahawan mesti harus punya bakat! Itu benar tetapi tidak mutlak, banyak pula seorang pengusaha yang juga mempelajari dari nol bahkan banyak yang tidak memiliki darah dagang dalam keturunannya!

Kemauan yang kuat untuk berhasil:
menjadi seorang wirausahawan wajib memiliki kemauan yang kuat dan pantang menyerah untuk mencapai keberhasilan dan kesuksesan, tidak mudah menyerah pada nasib!

Selalu mengembangkan ide dan kreativitas:
Albert Einstein pernah menyatakan bahwa bukan ilmu yang mengakibatkan orang berhasil, tetapi ide dan imajinasi! Menjadi seorang wirausahawan dituntut memiliki ide yang cemerlang dalam membangun usahanya. Barang yang sepele bahkan dianggap orang tidak berarti jika dibalut dengan ide dan kreativitas akan menghasilkan produk yang baik. Seorang teman sebut saja Heri di Lamongan Jawa Timur setiap hari memperhatikan banyaknya enceng gondok yang ada di pinggir bantaran sungai dekat rumahnya.
Heri adalah seorang tukang becak yang tinggal di dekat sungai, dia kemudian berfikir mungkin enceng gondok yang tumbuh secara liar ini bisa dimanfaatkan. Ya dia memanfaatkan tanaman liar tersebut menjadi barang yang berguna seperti: tas wanita, dompet, sandal, dsb. Hasilnya ia bisa menjual produk tersebut sampai ke Jakarta! Dalam sebuah acara di televisi diceritakan bahwa Seonggok bantalan rel kereta api yang sudah tidak terpakai dan banyak dimakan rayap diolah menjadi meja kecil yang ternyata setelah dijual menjadi produk yang sangat diminati konsumen karena keunikannya;

Kemauan untuk Belajar:
Menjadi seorang wirausahawan bukan berarti jauh dari ilmu, memiliki ilmu itu wajib termasuk bagi seorang wirausahawan! Kemauan untuk terus mengembangkan ilmu khususnya berkait dengan dunia wirausaha yang digelutinya akan sangat membantu kelancaran berwirausaha. Dalam hal ini saya berpendapat bahwa seorang wirausahawan harus punya kemauan kuat untuk belajar kepada orang lain akan keberahsilan maupun kegagalan yang diterima dalam berwirausaha, sehingga hal ini akan dapat meminimalisasi kegagalan dalam mengembangkan usaha yang dijalani. Sebagai mahasiswa anda jangan hanya terpaku pada pelajaran yang anda peroleh di kelas, tetapi juga belajar dari teman, dosen, bahkan menjadi seorang aktivis mahasiswa adalah proses belajar yang sangat efektif;

Membangun komunikasi dan jaringan pertemanan:
Apabila anda adalah seorang yang memiliki banyak teman, maka hal itu akan menguntungkan anda, mengapa? Untuk memasarkan produk yang anda jual baik jasa maupun barang anda membutuhkan relasi usaha. Teman anda dapat menjadi rekan usaha yang potensial dalam membangun jaringan pemasaran usaha anda kelak.Bertemanlah dengan banyak orang, jalinlah komunikasi yang efektif dengan siapapun. Apalagi jika anda memiliki teman yang berasal dari luar daerah, maka anda akan punya kesempatan untuk melebarkan sayap usaha anda ke daerah-daerah kelak. Dengan memiliki banyak teman setidaknya anda sudah punya sedikit sayap yang sewaktu-waktu siap untuk dikepakkan untuk melambungkan usaha anda;

Modal Usaha:
Modal yang juga penting dalam membuka sebuah usaha adalah dana. Saran saya jika anda merupakan pendatang baru dalam dunia wirausaha, maka janganlah mengeluarkan dana dalam jumlah besar tetapi mulailah dari hal yang kecil dan anda kuasai. Ketika masih duduk di bangku kuliah dulu (awal tahun 90an) saya mencoba memelihara ayam kampung, saya membeli 2 ekor ayam betina dan 1 ekor ayam jago sebagai pejantan. Hasilnya? Dalam waktu sekitar 1 tahun saya berhasil memperoleh 60 ekor ayam kampung! Hasil yang sangat lumayan. Sepele bukan?

The Perks of a Woman-Owned Business

Women use unique benefits to show employee appreciation--and help their employees find a balance between work and their families.
October 26, 2005
By Aliza Pilar Sherman
Do women business owners bring more perks to the workplace than men? Maybe not, but the perks they offer employees often have a decidedly feminine touch.

Hillary Kelbick, 49, president of MKP Communications Inc., a $5 million marketing and consulting firm based in New York City, offers perks that have become common in today's companies, including flexible work schedules and telecommuting. Less typical is her policy that staff can bring their young children to work when day care is an immediate issue. Kelbick also encourages staff to purchase new outfits and expense them for important client meetings. "This has worked wonders over the years in helping my [employees] feel better about themselves and therefore represent MKP in the best possible light."

Teri Rogers, 49, president of TakeTwo, LLC, a film and video production company in Kansas City, Missouri, focuses benefits on balance. "We have a 'family first' policy, which means we'll adjust work schedules to accommodate an employee's family obligations or give them time off to take their kids to the doctor or dentist," says Rogers of her $5 million-plus company. She also hires massage therapists, caters lunches and creates themed after-hours events to show employees her appreciation.

But the perks don't stop there. "We pay for parking and flu shots and provide breakfast and an afternoon snack daily," Rogers says. "We buy dinner for an employee and spouse or provide a day at the spa for special occasions or just to say thanks for working hard on a project."
"The great challenge [with perks] is to create an organizational culture that effectively balances what the business must do to thrive with the individual needs of the employees," says Aya Fubara Eneli, author of Live Your Abundant Life. "Happy and supported employees tend to be more productive and loyal employees." Fubara Eneli cautions that business owners and employees should be wary of one-size-fits-all solutions and instead carefully come up with strategies that promote family and individual growth without jeopardizing the company's primary mission.

Wellness lifestyle expert Terra Wellington says women business owners must consider two things before implementing perks: First, don't lose sight of the fact that you aren't your employees' mother. Second, remember that you are still running a business, first and foremost.
Says Wellington, "I have seen some women business owners who are naturally maternal focus so much on people's problems and social elements that they lose sight of necessary business management, including marketing, managing the bottom line, staying results-oriented and focusing on employee performance."

What should you spend for perks? Kelbick says she has refined the perks and processes so individuals' needs are fulfilled with minimal impact on the budget--about $50,000 per year.
Perks work. "They have always enabled me to compete with other companies [that] might be larger, more established and have more credibility--on the surface--than my company," explains Kelbick. "They've given me an advantage in successfully hiring the right people."
Rogers believes that while women employees are "programmed to want more than work in their lives," men are learning to want the same. "Men appreciate balance in their lives as much as women do. And who would turn down a good massage, anyway?"

Aliza Pilar Sherman is an author, freelance writer and speaker specializing in women's issues.

Launching Your Mompreneur Business

These tips will help you determine just what type of business to start and offer a few "first steps" to get you going.
July 17, 2006 By Lisa Druxman
If you're ready to take the leap and become a mompreneur, your next step is to figure out just what type of business would be right for you. And I'd bet big money that many of you are looking for something you can run from home.

The desire to work from home certainly isn't a new one. For years, parenting magazines have had back pages filled with ads for various medical-billing, stuffing-envelope and cold-calling types of jobs. And if that didn't appeal to you, you could consider watching other people's children. (That way, your work included your little ones at home with you.) Today, there are more opportunities than ever for running a business from home.

One thing to keep in mind, when searching for the best business idea for you, is to decide just what type of childcare you'll have for your children at home. Some of you will want to be the primary caregiver and have a career that can be done on the fringe hours of the day when your kids are sleeping, napping or playing independently. Others would prefer to hire a nanny or babysitter to watch your kids while you work full time from home. Decide what you want before ever looking for a business idea--that way, you'll know how much time you'll have to devote to the business before you get started.

Once you've decided which option you'll choose, start by taking a long, hard look at your current skills and think about your present or past jobs. Many moms decide to do the same kind of work they've done in the past but on their own as a business owner. Of course, some careers are easier to turn into businesses than others, including accounting and bookkeeping, writing or editing, working as a travel agent, and graphic design.

Not all of you will be able to--or even want to--turn a past job into a business. But with a little creativity and brainstorming, you'll be able to come up with an idea that suits you. And be sure to remember this: No matter what type of business you decide to start, make sure you have a passion for it, as it will undoubtedly become a big part of your life as you travel the road to business success.

To help you get started, here are a few different ways moms can create their own business ventures:
Starting From Scratch
So you have an amazing business idea you want to start from scratch? That's great--some of the best business ideas and inventions have come from moms! Before you go any further, first do your research.
find Get online and try toout what product or service comes close to what you want to do. Ideally, you'll want a niche, something that's special and unique. But even if you find that your product or service is already out there, see how you can improve on it or make it a little more unique. You'll need to find a catchy name, create a business strategy and will probably need some funds to finance it. Starting a business from scratch is the riskiest scenario, but it also carries the greatest excitement and unlimited potential.

Online Businesses
Do you have a business idea you feel could be done entirely online? Never before has there been as much entrepreneurial opportunity thanks to the availability of the internet. There are so many women turning their passions into online businesses. The startup costs are relatively low, and the hours are what you make of them. My caution here is that thousands upon thousands of moms try this, so you really need to have a great idea and be strongly committed to making it work. For instance, while virtually anyone can make money auctioning their stuff on eBay, to move from eBay hobbyist to eBay business owner takes hard work and planning.

Network Marketing Opportunities
If your primary desire is to work from home and spend your days with your kids, you might want to consider one of the hundreds of network marketing opportunities that exist. With nearly $20 billion in annual sales being generated from these types of business, it's no wonder they've become one of the most popular choices for moms who want to work from home. Whether you want to sell scrapbook supplies, cookware, toys or health and beauty products, there are countless companies that have capitalized on the desire of moms to earn money and work from home.

Be careful though: I know many moms who spend most of their profits on their inventory or the products themselves because they love them! I'm guessing that if success were gauged on personal profits, not many could call themselves successful. But if you feel this is a good model for you, make sure you love and believe in the product and are committed to making it work. Each company has different levels of investment, returns and commitment, so do your research and make sure it feels right to you and will fit in with your family goals. And understand that the sales won't just materialize, no matter how good the product is. For instance, will you be comfortable "selling" while on play dates with your kids and giving up family nights to host parties? If so, then this might be the right choice for you.

Business Opportunities
A business opportunity exists where a third party (the seller) sells or leases to you products, equipment, supplies or services to enable you to start your own business. Business opportunity programs can include vending machine routes, distributorships and multilevel marketing arrangements. Before investing, consider what type of business opportunity is best suited to your own particular experience, skills and interests. The financial investment and workload for these types of businesses tend to be higher than that of network marketing opportunities; however, the revenue may be more as well.

If you're thinking about getting involved with either a network marketing firm or a business opportunity venture, my advice to you is to exercise caution.

Unfortunately, there are many companies out there ready to take advantage of desperate moms who want to be home with their families. Before buying in to any business, however small, check it out. First off, check out any possible complaints with the Better Business Bureau. Also, check references. Speak to real people who are doing it and make sure they're really making money. Be skeptical of any company that says you can make lots of money in little time. And be sure to find out about the company. How long have they been doing this? How stable are they? What will they do to support you? The Federal Trade Commission offers a great deal of information to protect you from scams. Also check out

Steps To Get Started Once you've decided on a business idea, these few "next steps" will get you moving in the right direction:
1. Create a business plan.
After you've done your research about the business you're planning to launch, create a business plan for yourself. It doesn't have to be the formal kind you'd show to a bank, but it should outline what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. How much money do you have to invest and how much do you expect to make and by when? How are you going to market your business? When are you planning on working? For some, this task is already enough to make you want to throw in the towel. Don't! It's not as bad as you'd expect. If you can't get through this, you'll have trouble getting through your own business.

2.Get a business license.
Do you need one? That will depend on your city and the business you're planning to start. Play it safe and go to your county clerk's office to find out the requirements for your city. And don't be intimidated: They're there to help you and want to see small businesses flourish in their city.

3.Get a seller's permit.
How do you know if need one? If you plan on selling goods and your state has a sales tax, you need one. An exception to the rule is if you work with a direct marketer who handles the taxes on their side. You may be able to get a seller's permit in the same office you got your business license from. Most cities have their own websites with addresses and phone numbers to the appropriate offices.

4.Find out if you need a zoning permit.
Depending on the type of business you're running out of your house, there could be zoning restrictions for your area. Again, check with your city's business office to find out more.
Obtain a tax ID number. If you're a sole proprietor, you can use your Social Security number. But if you incorporate or have employees, you'll need to obtain a federal tax ID number.
File a dba. If you're creating your own company, you'll need to file a dba (doing business as). To check if a name is already trademarked, do a search at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website.

5.Find a mentor.
Mompreneurs are passionate about helping each other succeed. Find a mompreneur who's been successful and who'll share her experiences with you. Then stay focused on your journey and you'll likely be the next to have a successful story.

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