For those who want to “protect” their luxurious bags (instead of giving them the crushing they deserve), comes Luxe Link. A new "original" (patent pending) Luxe Handbag Link has been invented to keep your handbag off the icky ground (watch out for germs invading your handbag), and kick your fabulocity factor up a notch!
The goal is to help every woman reach their vogue nirvana. No larger than the size of Beyonce’s hoop earring, the Luxe Link is portable, lighter than your cell phone, and easy-peasy to use. Instead of a cumbersome traditional handbag hook, the Luxe Link has a stylish chain that wraps around a swanky circular top, adorned with a modern, playful design. To whip it into action, simply unwind the chrome chain link, plop the stylish top onto the edge of the table, and voila, you have a totally enviable hook to hang your handbag on. (The table can be made out of any type of material: plastic, metal, wood and is kept in place by gravity: the bag pulls down on the handbag link to keep it in place!)
The obvious benefits: No more bag lump under your napkin; your LV, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Chloe, etc bag maintains its glamour; and the thieves are kept at bay! And hold up, according to ancient folklore, leaving your handbag on the floor means you will lose money. Well, girls, better safe than sorry.
Hang that handbag up, and save your precious money for the latest luxurious bag. Each handbag link comes in a luxurious soft pouch, smaller than your compact. You can even hang the handbag link off of your handbag strap or just slip into your bag. The exclusive Luxe Handbag Link is also environmental friendly and made only with recycled zinc alloy. It’s the perfect gift for your girlfriend, mother or sister. Trust us, they will love you.
Examples of Our Handbag Hanger Models Collection
Motif Swarovski Plain Swarovski Regular
Celebrity fans include: Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Elsabeth Rohm, Marcia Cross, Angelina Jolie, Jenna Elfman, Halle Berry, Keri Russell, Samantha Harris, Bridget Moynahan, Cate Blanchett, Naomi Watts, Melissa Joan Hart, Jamie-Lynn Spears, Jaime Pressly, Nicole Richie, Nancy O'Dell, Salma Hayek, Michelle Williams, Lindsay Lohan, Nikki Hilton, Paris Hilton, Kim Stewart, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, Tori Spelling, Becki Newton, Queen Latifah, and Maria Menounos.